As 2018 comes to a close, there have been some seismic shifts in the digital media marketing industry. eMarketer has already predicted that online advertisements will rise by 7% this year with a total gross of $628 billion. Mailmaja has compiled a list of digital marketing trends to keep on top of for the rest of Q4 as well as in 2019 below. You can also learn more about marketing in general by signing up and watching Malimaja’s second marketing webinar.
1. Video is King
The 2018 State of Attention Report, has shown that peoples interests and attention spans are now geared towards visual content. In fact, 73% of the people in the study said that the use of animated visuals is effective in keeping the audience engaged.
Video’s engagement rate is highly affective in not only selling a product, but also building authentic brand loyalty. That increase in brand loyalty will eventually lead to repeated online consumers and a stable revenue flow.
2. Mobile SEO
Google’s mobile algorithm update has now made it harder for websites pages to index higher if the website isn’t mobile friendly. Considering that mobile internet usage has surpassed desktop, it has become paramount for companies to focus on maximizing the functionality of their website more so than SEO.
Google has also ramped up their voice technology for search, which strips away the physical typing of words needed for SEO. If there comes some voice search future revolution, mobile SEO concerns might go the way of the dinosaur.
3. Time to Invest in Social Ad-Spend
According to an article in Forbes, social ad-spend has increased by 20% and has totaled $58 billion. Digital ad-spend also surpassed TV ad-spend by $40 billion in 2018.
However, increasing your social ad-spend budget shouldn’t be done without knowledge of your online demographic and knowing that you have an online sellable product. Online ad-spend for a product won’t be affective if you don’t know what platform your audience is on and whether it is enticing enough to actually produce a sale. You can always spend money to increase your brand awareness on social media, but you have to make sure that your online audience understands where they can find your business and who you are.