Customized Training Courses and Seminars
Custom training is available to individuals or groups at your location and delivered in-person or online. Our customized program allows organizations to go a level deeper in their knowledge and benefit from having live instruction. These programs are tailored to meet your specific needs, address issues of immediate concern to your organization and apply learning to your team through hands-on guidance. Regardless of skill level, we ensure you are able to acquire the skills and knowledge needed to implement, maintain and grow your marketing capability.
Program Overview
- On-site classes are available for groups of 10 or more
- Remote learning available for smaller group
- Special program modules can be developed for use as part of skills building with clients in nonprofit organizations
- Tools provided to apply learning
Benefits of Onsite Training
- Save money on travel expenses
- Train a broader set of employees or clients
- Flexible scheduling
- Courses are formatted around your company’s specific needs and objectives
- Quickly address issues of immediate concern to your organization
- Employees receive same training, which can then be shared more broadly across teams
- Leverage knowledge from industry-active experts